Internal Factors that Cause Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Wrinkles and fine lines are not caused only by aging but it is certainly one of the most common reasons. There are two main types of wrinkles. One is the surface wrinkles called fine lines. They are mostly superficial and appear around the eyes and lips. The other type of wrinkles is deep and appears as folds on your skin.

Surface wrinkles are like minute crevices that go only as deep as the epidermal layer of the skin. They are barely visible when your facial skin is relaxed. It is generally easier to reduce the appearance of surface wrinkles without resorting to invasive procedures.

Deep wrinkles or folds can reach the deeper layers of your skin and are well defined. They appear prominently even when your skin and muscles are relaxed because they reach right up to the subcutaneous layer where it is stored. Aging skin happens not only because of external factors but also due to internal issues. Just like other organs of your body, the skin’s functionality also deteriorates with age.

The usual causes are fluctuations in hormone levels which results in less production of collagen. It is a connective tissue that acts as a support to the skin’s structure and keeps it firm. Cell generation and circulation also gets affected as we age. The quantum of elastin, which keeps our skin supple and soft, also decreases. All these factors manifest as fine lines and wrinkles.

Choosing the right anti wrinkle cream for your skin issues can help you deal with the problem better.


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