Poor Eyesight and Sleep Posture can contribute to Wrinkle Formation

People often squint their eyes when they work on their computers or when they are reading boards from a distance. Habitual squinting leads to development of frown lines between brows. If you need to squint to read, you might require glasses. Check your eyesight before it becomes the culprit for wrinkle formation.

Another probable cause that you may have never imagined is your sleep position. Soft, fluffy pillows cause wrinkles is unheard of; but how you sleep on them may contribute to wrinkle formation, according to an article in Women’s Day magazine.

With time, your skin loses some elasticity. When you sleep on your side with your face pressed against the soft pillow, it creates folds in your skin. Due to the decrease in elasticity, your skin is unable to spring back in its original position to smoothen the fold. They stay and, in due course, form fine lines and wrinkles.

Dermatologists advise people to sleep on the back most of the time. It has double benefit – this sleep position not only contributes to wrinkle prevention, but also keeps your body in natural alignment, preventing pains in the back and the neck.

According to scientists, gravity and habitual facial expressions play a substantial role in forming fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Creams like Am Pm Wrinkle Complex, which work both day and night, and exclusive Intensive Night Repair creams are great beauty tools to keep wrinkles at bay or to fight the existing ones.


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2 comments on "Poor Eyesight and Sleep Posture can contribute to Wrinkle Formation "

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