Revamp Your Makeup Box as You Age

A survey conducted recently reveals about 30 percent women continue to use makeup products they chose 10 years back! Then they complain of not getting the desired look. The products and the technique of applying makeup in your 20’s differ from those in your 40’s.

In the 20’s, your makeup focuses on bringing out the natural glow of the face and flatter your young, taut skin. In the 40’s, your glow fades a bit and your skin is not that taut and young. You need makeup tricks that create an illusion of flawlessness, hiding those blemishes, fine lines, and dark circles.

Foundation Flaws

Women think that slathering dollops of foundation on the face will give them porcelain skin. Instead, it will make wrinkles appear more prominent. This is because the excess foundation has nowhere to go but settle in the creases, exaggerating them. Besides, foundation is famous for creating a cakey, plastic-like face.

Mascara that Runs

Using a mascara from your 20-something years may not suit you at 40. Stronger formulas may dry out your eyelashes, which get more fragile and thinner as you age.

Eye Shadow That Glitters Is Not Always Good

One of the toughest makeup tools for women to ditch is frosty eye shadow. In your 40’s, the eyelids lose some of their tautness. So it is time to say goodbye to glitter, as shimmer shadows settle into crinkles, creating an odd look. Welcome matte shadows to your makeup box. There are flattering and shades like soft peaches, grays, and lavenders that work on every skin tone.


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